Where are industrial fans used?

Where are industrial fans used?
Where are industrial fans used?

Industrial fans are a major asset for businesses within a wide range of industries as they help with their heating and cooling needs, including transportation, manufacturing, and construction. With multiple blades of different sizes, these fans are built from various non-corrosive materials and the fan size depends on the environment in which it is used.

The size of the fan will also determine how effective it is. For example larger fans are more expensive but are more effective in performance whereas smaller fans are less expensive although are suitable for smaller spaces which require less air circulation.

Industrial fans are used to provide constant air to a working environment so that it does not become too warm to work in. As a result, the building in which these fans are located will consistently have clean air, ensuring that the atmosphere is safe and comfortable for a workforce and any visitor.

Industrial fans are widely used in the following areas:
  • Factory floors: A wide range of important and technical processes take place within factories and as such the workforce will require optimum working conditions to carry out their tasks.
  • Warehouses: The frequent movement of valuable equipment in a warehouse requires a safe and secure environment, especially as some equipment requires consistent temperatures so that it does not overheat.
  • Manufacturing plants: Manufacturing plants will be full of large machinery carrying out a multitude of important tasks, therefore implementing a proper industrial fan system is not only a matter of safeguarding the health of your employees but the machines as well.

When choosing an industrial fan, it will be important for a business to evaluate its needs, the size and environmental conditions of the building, as well as systems and workforce in place.

Here at Schwank we have designed and manufactured MonsterFans to supply industrial cooling solutions for a wide range of applications. Our fans are aimed at being effective and yet inexpensive in order to provide a solution for better employee comfort.

If you are looking for a cost-effective and environmentally friendly HVLS fan solution then please contact us now to find out more.



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