What is an HVLS Fan?

Benefits of MonsterFans HVLS Fans

Comfort in Summer & Cost Savings in Winter
On hot days, HVLS fans provide a pleasant draught by moving large volumes of air at low speeds. The ambient temperature in the building thus drops by 5-6° C. In winter, HVLS fans mix the heated air accumulating under the ceiling throughout the entire building. The principle is called destratification and ensures significant savings in energy costs.

Environmentally Friendly & Energy Efficient
Due to low speeds and an optimal design of the lightweight aluminium blades, both cooling and heat re-distribution can take place efficiently and cost-effectively. Furthermore, in winter less heating power is required thanks to the destratification principle. This not only saves energy costs, but also CO₂ for a better environment.

High Quality & Long Lifetime
The first-class materials and robust workmanship guarantee a long service life of the HVLS fans. The simply implemented control unit by Danfoss ensures uncomplicated operation. The high-quality motor by Nord Drivesystems and all other components promise reliable quality.
Very Quiet Thanks to Low Speeds
Thanks to the low speeds, HVLS fans operate very quietly. Typically, only speeds of 10 rpm are required for air circulation (i.e., in winter). For cooling, a speed of 10 – 95 rpm can be selected. The noise level at full speed is only 55 dB, which is very quiet.
Efficient Throughout the Year

Cooling in Summer
HVLS fans use the wind chill effect in summer to provide cooling. It is perceived as having a cooling effect while no direct cold is actually produced. The wind chill effect works as follows: When wind passes over the skin, it draws warmth from the skin’s surface and causes evaporative cooling. The result: the temperature is perceived to be colder (approx. 5-6 °C) than it actually is. In this way, HVLS fans work much more cost-effectively and sustainably than air conditioners.
Cost Savings in Winter
HVLS fans provide enormous energy savings in winter. For example, if the temperature in the building is around 18 °C, the warm air under the ceiling may be around 24 °C, as warm air always moves naturally upwards. Due to the fact that HVLS fans move enormous amounts of air (up to 780,000 m3/h depending on the model), the temperature stratification is completely eliminated. Therefore, the heating system has to work less time and enormous energy costs and CO₂ are saved.
Where Can HVLS Fans Be Used?

HVLS fans are ideally suited for large and high rooms. Thanks to the comfort provided by the large fans, staff and visitors feel good in summer. This increases productivity when working e.g., in industrial and logistics buildings. And they raise the comfort feeling e.g., in shopping centres. The increase of the comfort level has even been proven to be true for animals! We were told that cows give more milk when in proximity of HVLS fans. Gyms and sports facilities benefit enormously from the use of HVLS fans: when sweating an air conditioner is often perceived as being too intensive and can lead to catching a cold. In contrast, the cool breeze from MonsterFans is perceived as being very pleasant. In addition, the buildings’ owners/operators can save money on unnecessary heating in winter by using HVLS fans.
Here is an overview of the most important applications for large fans by MonsterFans:
Airport Buildings -
Logistics Buildings & Warehouses -
Shopping Centres -
Sports Facilities -
Production Facilities
Exhibition Halls -
Concert Halls -
Gyms -
Stables -
Leisure Centres

MonsterFans Explanatory video
How does an HVLS fan work? In the video, we illustrate the principle of the HVLS fan (High Volume, Low Speed) and destratification in detail.

Do You Need HVLS Fans for Your Building?
Do you want to cool your employees or visitors and save as much money as possible? Do you have any other questions? Or are you wondering whether HVLS fans are also suitable for your buildings? Then simply get in touch with us. Our experts have all the important answers and will be happy to advise you personally.
- Get in touch with Bernhard Gehle, Product Manager MonsterFans
+49 221 7176 219

Comfort in Summer & Cost Savings in Winter